Wednesday, November 12, 2008

wow wrapping

When Zach had his first birthday in May, I took photos of some of the wrapping.
Bryn Mathison created this one.....simple but eye catching
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1 comment:

Little One said...

Hi Marg and the FANAU,

Good shots of the Opera Fale with that young lady ( I have to find out her name later .or is she a shella?) and what a the big canoe!

I still like the other canoe with outriggers because it has an awesome toilet facilities and whats more it also fitted with natural air conditions and seaspray cleaning systems ummm cool!!

Good photo of you and mum. is that 3rd day new outfit? Wonder what is the colour for the fourth day?

Popped in to dad after airport and he is fine. We are having tea with him tonight. Chicken with the Chef's special and Greenhough's Reisiling put that on your menu!! We are dinining in style and watch the All Black mauling Ireland.

Hope you guys having fun. I hope you get this before you loose your dinner!!

Nofo a

Sana Michael and Pa Ross.